Paikka: Online Järjestäjä: Business Finland Päivämäärä: 14.11.2023 Aika: 10:00 - 12:00 Kotisivu:

Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) is a partnership for health research and innovation between the EU and Europe’s life science industries. IHI has a total budget of €2.4 billion and is funded jointly by the EU and by industry associations representing Europe’s life science industries. Join this webinar to learn more about IHI and upcoming calls as well as to ask questions from experts and peers.

  • Welcome, Sampo SAMMALISTO, State Representative, Business Finland
  • Introduction on IHI and Call 5, Hugh LAVERTY, Executive Director ad interim, IHI
  • Q&A
  • Concrete tips on who should apply, how prepare a proposal, examples on in-kind contributions & implementation of project, Colm CARROLL, Scientific Project Manager, IHI
  • Q&A
  • IHI project IDERHA, Mika HILVO, Research Team Leader, VTT
  • IHI project PROMINENT and ADRIDDLE, Jyrki LÖTJÖNEN, Chief Scientific Officer, Combinostics
  • Q&A