Kuopio Health Final Seminar – An end is a new beginning
31.10.2019/ Bailey Lähdesmäki
At the Final Seminar (Loppuseminaari) of the Savilahti Open Innovation Ecosystem Project (Savilahden innovaatioalusta – selvityshanke) on October 25, 2019, nearly 100 people gathered to celebrate the completion of the project. Started in 2016, the project’s date of completion is October 31, 2019. To celebrate the successful project and everyone’s great efforts, participants had the opportunity to hear from presenters from both the public and private sectors.
The project was funded by the ESF (European Social Fund, ESR Euroopan sosiaalirahasto) and led by the University of Eastern Finland (UEF, Itä-Suomen yliopisto) in collaboration with numerous other organizations in the Savo region. Although originally led by UEF, the project was later outsourced to Kasve Oy. The main goals of the project were to find common ground between the organizations, create a strategic vision for the health technology field, and develop an open innovation ecosystem. As a result, the Kuopio Health co-operative was officially established in April 2019.