Paikka: Online/Teams Järjestäjä: Business Finland Päivämäärä: 01.02.2024 Aika: 10:00 - 12:00

Take the opportunity to actively participate in the upcoming information meeting jointly organised by the national delegates from Business Finland, Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science, the Research Council of Norway and Sweden’s Innovation Agency. IHI Joint Undertaking is a public private partnership for health research & innovation between the EU and Europe’s life science industries. It is jointly funded by the EU and industry stakeholders with a total budget of €2.4 billion.

Who should participate: Companies, including SMEs in the pharmaceutical, medical device, digital and biotech sectors; universities; research institutes; patient organisations; healthcare providers and other interested parties.

Register today through the link here:

Preliminary AGENDA:


Intro of the SRG delegates & today’s speakers – Laurent SAUNIER, Head of Dep, Health, Vinnova

10:10 – 10:30

  • Brief introduction on IHI and an overview of Call 6 & 7 – IHI Office Rep.
  • Overview of IMI & IHI project statistics from the Nordic Countries – SRG Team

10:30 – 10:45

  • Presentation from the national Trade Associations – TBC

10:45 – 11:05    

  • How to find potential partners and build an Applicant Consortium – SRG Team
  • Concrete tips on who should apply, how to prepare a proposal, examples on in-kind contributions & implementation of project – IHI Office Rep.

11:05 – 11:45   

Ongoing projects with Nordic participation share their experiences:

  • IMI-2 project INNODIA – presentation from Danish project partner, by Prof. Søren Brunak, (Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, University of Copenhagen)
  • IHI project PREDICTOM – presentation from Norwegian project coordinator Helse Stavanger Hf – speaker TBC
  • IHI Project IDERHA – presentation from Finnish project partner VTT Technical Research Center of Finland Ltd – TBC

11:45 – 12:00

  • Q & A Session

Closing remarks