1.4.2024 - 31.3.2025
Tartu ainutlaatuiseen tilaisuuteen ja ota haltuun regulaatiopolkusi terveysteknologiassa!

Tartu ainutlaatuiseen tilaisuuteen ja ota haltuun regulaatiopolkusi terveysteknologiassa!

Itäsuomalaisilla terveysteknologia-alan yrityksillä on nyt mainio mahdollisuus päivittää regulaatio-osaamistaan. Itä-Suomen yliopiston (UEF) ReguVa-hanke tarjoaa alueen startup-yrityksille maksuttomasti Labquality Oy:n englanninkieliset koulutuskokonaisuudet: Regulatory Essentials In Health Tech (REHT) sekä ENTRIES, the Digital Regulatory Runway tool.

##ReguVa #Labquality #UEF Jatkuva Oppiminen
31.1.2025 - 31.12.2025
HealthHub Finland EDIH Online Clinic

HealthHub Finland EDIH Online Clinic

Are you developing a digital health or wellbeing solution? HealthHub Finland EDIH can help you in every step of your digital project. And in tempting terms. Services are free or subsidized for up to 80 % of the market price.

#HealthHub Finland EDIH
18.3.2025 - 31.3.2025
ReguVa - Sisäisten auditointien ABC

ReguVa - Sisäisten auditointien ABC

Tällä verkkokurssilla tutustut sisäisten auditointien suunnittelun, toteutukseen, raportointiin ja seurantaan sekä teet lyhyitä testejä osaamisesi vahvistamiseksi. Kurssi koostuu neljästä teemasta ja niihin liittyvistä luennoista ja oppimistehtävistä.

##ReguVa #Auditointi
24.3.2025 - 30.6.2025
Webinar series: develop innovative health and wellbeing products

Webinar series: develop innovative health and wellbeing products

Explore the critical role of data and technology in developing innovative health and wellbeing products and services. This engaging webinar series offers hands-on tutorials, expert insights, and actionable guidance in areas like app development, chatbots, cybersecurity, EHR integration, and regulatory compliance. Gain practical tools and skills to enhance your development activities. This series is ideal for developers, startups, researchers, and businesses aiming to build cutting-edge health and wellbeing solutions. With hands-on tutorials in every session, you’ll leave equipped with practical skills and knowledge to succeed in this dynamic field!

#Digital Health #HealthHub Finland EDIH #HealthTech #Innovation
26.3.2025 - 22.5.2025
Borderland -koulutussarja keväällä 2025 – OSIO 2

Borderland -koulutussarja keväällä 2025 – OSIO 2

Tervetuloa osallistumaan Itä-Suomen yhteiseen koulutusten sarjaan, joka on suunnattu puolustus-, turvallisuus- ja kaksoiskäyttötuotealoilla toimiville ja sinne haluaville yrityksille.

#Borderland #Security Eastern Finland
Workshop on Hospital Opportunities in Poland

Workshop on Hospital Opportunities in Poland

Business Finland, in close cooperation with Team Finland partners is organizing Workshop on Hospital Opportunities in Poland as a part of Export Booster project on March 26th in Helsinki at Team Finland House. This event is specifically designed for Finnish companies interested in long-term cooperation with national and regional hospitals in Poland.

#Business Finland #Hospital Opportunities
UEF Startup Day

UEF Startup Day

​The event will showcase UEF-related startups, entrepreneurial case studies, and commercialization projects. Attendees will also get to know about entrepreneurship services and courses offered by the university and various stakeholders, that can help students and researchers develop their own businesses, product or service ideas, and entrepreneurial mindset.

#UEF Startup Day
Kuopio Brain & Mind´s Translational Research Networking Event

Kuopio Brain & Mind´s Translational Research Networking Event

Kuopio Brain & Mind brings together and fosters collaboration among basic and clinical researchers, medical doctors and other experts, and all interested in promoting translational neuroscience research. In this event you hear about ongoing translational research and training projects and discuss what is needed for successful collaboration:

#Translational Research
EDIH Academy / Success Story: Collaboration promises to revolutionise healthcare education

EDIH Academy / Success Story: Collaboration promises to revolutionise healthcare education

This course will showcase how HealthHub Finland EDIH supported Finnish EdTech company ThingLink Oy in developing an AI-powered learning content creation tool in collaboration with the University of Eastern Finland (UEF). Kuopio Health Co-op. coordinated the work as part of the EDIH’s service offering.

#EDIH Academy #HealthHub Finland EDIH
Health Tuesday: Terveysalan regulaatioiden ajankohtaiskatsaus

Health Tuesday: Terveysalan regulaatioiden ajankohtaiskatsaus

Tehokkaampi terveydenhoito, terveyden edistäminen ja sairauksien ennaltaehkäisy vaativat uusia innovatiivisia ratkaisuja. Terveysalan laitteita sääntelevät erilaiset regulaatiot, jotka tulee ottaa huomioon heti tuotteen kehittämispolun alkuvaiheessa. Sääntelyosaamisen edistäminen on Health 360 Finland -ohjelman yksi keskeisistä ydinalueista. Tervetuloa kuulemaan monipuolisesti ajankohtaisista asioista terveysalan sääntelyyn liittyen ja verkottumaan samojen asioiden parissa työskentelevien kanssa!

#Health 360 Finland #health tuesday #Regulaatio
Työryhmien yhteinen kokous

Työryhmien yhteinen kokous

Kuopio Healthin Datatyöryhmän ja TKI-yhteistyöryhmän yhteinen kokous 1.4.2025 Hub Panostamolla. Tällä kertaa kertaa esitellään muutamia keskeisiä käynnistyviä ja haettuja hankkeita ja toimenpiteitä sekä jo päättyneiden hankkeiden jatkosuunnitelmia. 

#Datatyöryhmä #Jäsentapahtuma #TKI Työryhmä
BF Digitalks: Yrityksen digitalouden ratkaisut datatalouden kiihdyttäjänä

BF Digitalks: Yrityksen digitalouden ratkaisut datatalouden kiihdyttäjänä

Tervetuloa BF Digitalks-webinaarisarjan tilaisuuteen yhdessä Business Finlandin ja Patentti- ja rekisterihallituksen (PRH) kanssa! Webinaarissa pääset kuulemaan ja keskustelemaan digi- ja datatalouden mahdollisuuksista ja ratkaisuista yrityksille digitalouden vision kautta.

#Business Finland Digitalks #Diginatiivi Suomi
8.4.2025 - 10.4.2025
DMEA 2025

DMEA 2025

DMEA is one of Europe's most important events for digital health. From April 8 to 10, 2025, experts from the digital health industry will meet in Berlin. In addition to a comprehensive market overview, DMEA offers all players a wide range of opportunities for intensive exchange, targeted networking and effective customer acquisition.

#Digital Health #DMEA 2025
8.4.2025 - 10.4.2025
Nordic Pavilion at DMEA, Germany's Most Important Health IT Trade Fair

Nordic Pavilion at DMEA, Germany's Most Important Health IT Trade Fair

This event offers Finnish companies the opportunity to showcase their products, expand their network in Germany and make valuable contacts that will support their international growth. Finland already has a strong presence and visibility in the DMEA and we plan to strengthen this with a joint Nordic presence.

#Business Finland #DMEA 2025 #Health IT
11.4.2025 - 20.4.2025
AMPlify – Accelerated US Market Entry for Finnish Healthcare Companies

AMPlify – Accelerated US Market Entry for Finnish Healthcare Companies

AMPlify is an established platform designed to advance Finnish healthcare companies' US market readiness and entry. Expanding upon the successful Nordic AMPlify and Gazelle programs, AMPlify is a complete ecosystem that brings Finnish companies and Mayo Clinic together.

#Business Finland #Healthcare Market #Mayo Clinic
27.4.2025 - 29.4.2025
Trade Mission to Minnesota

Trade Mission to Minnesota

We invite you to join a trade mission to Minnesota, the leading healthcare technology hub in the United States, from 27-29 April, with option to extend to 30 April. This is a unique opportunity for Finnish digital health and medical device companies to explore the market potential, network with key stakeholders, and learn from the best practices of the Minnesota health ecosystem.

#Business Finland #Minnesota #Team Finland
Health Tuesday: Sustainable healthcare – do I need to care?

Health Tuesday: Sustainable healthcare – do I need to care?

Join us this May 6th for an enlightening session of Health Tuesday, focusing on the crucial question, "Sustainable Healthcare: Do I Need to Care?" As the healthcare industry increasingly considers its environmental impact, our seminar will explore the many facets of sustainability in healthcare delivery.

#Business Finland #health tuesday #Sustainable Healthcare
Supercomputing for Business -seminaari

Supercomputing for Business -seminaari

Oletko kuullut Kajaanissa sijaitsevasta LUMI-supertietokoneesta ja sen ympärille rakennettavasta LUMI AI Factory -palveluverkostosta, joka lanseerataan huhtikuussa? Tiesitkö, että pk- ja start-up-yritykset voivat hyödyntää niiden tarjontaa? Supercomputing for Business -seminaari saapuu Kuopioon, Savonian Microkadun kampukselle, torstaina 8.5.2025 klo 12:00-17:00.

#LUMI AI Factory #Supercomputing
Connect Day 25

Connect Day 25

Get ready for an exhilarating day at Connect Day 25! After last year's roaring success THE ultimate matchmaking event during ViennaUP 2025 is back. Join us for a day packed with dynamic pitches, interactive panels, and more.

#Connect Day 25 #Corporate #Investors #Startups
19.5.2025 - 22.5.2025
Vitalis 2025

Vitalis 2025

Vitalis is the largest eHealth event in Scandinavia, yearly attracting attendees with the shared aim of building their knowledge and improving tomorrow’s health care.

#eHealth #Vitalis 2025
19.5.2025 - 23.5.2025
Team Finland visit to Singapore & Malaysia

Team Finland visit to Singapore & Malaysia

The Team Finland network invites Finnish companies to a Business Delegation visit to Singapore and Malaysia 19-23 May 2025, led by Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, Mr. Ville Tavio. Take advantage of the opportunities in these rapidly developing countries in Southeast Asia.

#Team Finland Visit
360 CARLA One-Day Symposium on Photonics in Health: Biotech and Medical Photonics

360 CARLA One-Day Symposium on Photonics in Health: Biotech and Medical Photonics

Are you interested in exploring how photonics is transforming biotechnology and medical applications? Join us for an engaging One-Day Symposium on Photonics in Health: Biotech and Medical Photonics, where you will have the opportunity to connect with leading experts, discover cutting-edge research, and explore career opportunities in this rapidly evolving field.

#Biotech #Medical Photonics #Photonics Finland #Photonics in Health
10.6.2025 - 11.6.2025
Nordic UN Procurement Seminar

Nordic UN Procurement Seminar

Hosted by Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland — along with Business Finland, Danish Industry, Innovation Norway, Business Sweden, and Business Iceland — the seminar features presentations and workshops led and participated by UN representatives. Participants will learn how to become competitive suppliers and connect with buyers from various UN agencies.

#Business Finland #Nordic UN Procurement
Terveys- ja hyvinvointidatatyöryhmän kokous

Terveys- ja hyvinvointidatatyöryhmän kokous

Terveys- ja hyvinvointidatatyöryhmän kokous Hub Panostamolla. Aiheena ajankohtaisten hankkeiden esittelyä ja kuulumisia sekä verkostoitumista kahvikupposen äärellä.

#Jäsentapahtuma #Kuopio Health Työryhmä #Terveys- ja hyvinvointidata
12.6.2025 - 13.6.2025
Team Finland Visit to France – Digital Health

Team Finland Visit to France – Digital Health

Join Team Finland visit focusing on digital health to Paris on 12-13 June 2025. The visit is led by a high level official from Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The visit is an excellent opportunity to familiarize with the French healthcare system and status of digitalization, gain insights on the market, demand and business opportunities, and explore French market entry.

#Business Finland #Digital Health #Team Finland
16.6.2025 - 19.6.2025
HLTH Europe 2025

HLTH Europe 2025

Join us for HLTH Europe 2025, the event uniting every segment of the European health ecosystem. Building on the immense success of our inaugural event, HLTH Europe 2025 will connect over 4,500 health leaders from more than 50 countries, including top decision-makers from providers, payers, government, pharma, startups, investors, and health tech. This is your chance to engage with Europe’s foremost health officials, policymakers, and politicians as they share best practices and collaboratively shape the future of healthcare. If you want to drive meaningful change and be at the forefront of healthcare innovation, HLTH Europe 2025 is the place to be.

#Health #HLTH Europe 2025 #Investors #Pharma #Startups
16.6.2025 - 18.6.2025
EuPAT - 12th pan-European Science Conference

EuPAT - 12th pan-European Science Conference

The 12th EuPAT conference brings together scientists and engineers from across academia, industry, and regulatory bodies to discuss the latest developments in the field of pharmaceutical process and product development. The 12th EuPAT Conference will focus on smart therapies, innovative delivery systems, and advanced, sustainable manufacturing and measurement technologies.

#AI #EuPAT Conference #Smart Therapeutics
Osaka World Expo 2025: Health Day

Osaka World Expo 2025: Health Day

Finland is participating World Exhibition 2025 in Osaka, Japan with joint project with other Nordic countries. One of the three leading themes of the Nordic Expo 2025 Osaka is Health and Wellbeing. As the main focus for the World Expo is Future Society, this health theme fits very well to it and brings a great opportunity to introduce the Finnish leading technologies and innovations for health care and general wellbeing.

#Business Finland #Osaka World Expo 2025
25.6.2025 - 27.6.2025
Japan Health - INTEX Osaka

Japan Health - INTEX Osaka

Japan Health is an international exhibition where healthcare experts present their advanced technologies and medical services to the world. They aim to boost and enhance the competitiveness of the Japanese medical community and the healthcare industry.

#Japan Health Osaka
20.8.2025 - 21.8.2025
Kuopio Health Insights 2025

Kuopio Health Insights 2025

We have the most exciting news! Kuopio Health Insights 2025 is coming! Mark your calendars for one of the most dynamic and forward-thinking events in health.

#Kuopio Health Insights 2025
13.10.2025 - 14.10.2025
NLSDays 2025

NLSDays 2025

Experience two days of groundbreaking insights, networking opportunities, and cutting-edge advancements in the life science industry. Connect with leading experts, industry peers, and potential partners from across the world. Nordic Life Science Days 2025 will be held, for the first time, in Gothenburg, Sweden on 13-14 October at Svenska Mässan located at Mässans Gata/Korsvägen, 412 94 Göteborg.

#Life Science #NLSDays 2025
19.10.2025 - 22.10.2025
Suomi-paviljonki HLTH 2025 -tapahtumassa

Suomi-paviljonki HLTH 2025 -tapahtumassa

Osallistu Suomen paviljonkiin HLTH 2025 -tapahtumassa. Business Finland tarjoaa tapahtumaan Suomi-paviljongin, joka on suomalaisen digitaalisen terveyden ja terveysteknologian osaamisen yhteinen esittelypaikka.

#HLTH 2025 #HLTH Las Vegas
2.12.2025 - 8.12.2025
MedFIT 2025

MedFIT 2025

As the leading European partnering event, MedFIT provides the ideal environment to help industry players to source early-stage assets, to facilitate the emergence of collaborative projects between big players, public research institutions, start-ups and SMEs, to increase licensing opportunities, to obtain funding and to facilitate market access.

#Diagnostic #Digital Health #MedFIT 2025 #Medtech