Venue: Teams Webinar Organizer: Business Finland Date: 01.09.2020

In the next episode of Health Tuesday -webinar organized by Business Finland the topic is: What can virtual, augmented, and mixed reality technologies offer for healthcare?

“Many industry experts argue that virtual, augmented and mixed reality solutions will be the next “killer apps” in healthcare, especially with the adoption of 5G technologies.  But what are these solutions in real life and what is the state of the art? How are Finnish hospitals taking advantage of these solutions and what type of global solutions are Finnish companies developing in the field?”

Join virtual Health Tuesday event and find out the answers to these questions and more! Participation is free of charge. Register by August 31st:


PROGRAM Tuesday 1.9.

8.05 HUS Virtual Reality Laboratory – presenting VR solutions used in HUS Helsinki University Hospital
Katariina Rouvinen, HUSVRLab, HUS

8.20 XR technology in Surgery
Petteri Joenpolvi, CEO, Adesante Oy

8.35 How VR is changing rehabilitation
Mikko Kontio, COO & Co-founder, Peili Vision Oy

8.50 High value medical use-cases in mixed reality
Ville Leppälä, Varjo Technologies Oy

9.05 Health Tuesday event ends
Note that since we have many speakers, each 10 minute presentation is followed by a (maximum) 5 minute Q&A with the speaker

9.15 Global Network Round Table – AR/VR in US Healthcare: Where is it Heading by Val Kratzman, Business Finland New York

10.15 Roundtable session ends